There is no secret and that is your gift.
Only a thousand lifetimes spent trying to sort through each others lies.
The truth is so eloquent in its simplicity that it cannot be confused with that which makes us so fiercely independent.
The option to do so is far more precious. 
No, the truth is immortal and each of us blissfully ignorant.
There are no exceptions, except as one.

The truth is light, light is God, God is love, and love is pure.
And there are no exceptions, except as one.

Despite my vague interpretation there is desperation to understand its grace, even as I continue to stumble on the crumbs.

..If I am God, if I am what is and isn't, what was and will be, the great seen and unseen, If I am God then I am also everything that God is not because God is both. My psyche wraps itself around this contradiction and I have no doubt that God knows the answer, because I do not. But I do know that:

God cannot be blinded.
God cannot be swayed or convinced.
God cannot be thwarted or stopped, twisted or changed.

God is truth and the truth incorruptible. 

God is what is, which is consciousness, which is life, which I cannot deny because I am aware that I am. ..I am God. Of course not "the God", but of the same boundless creative energy which is prowling about the universe in an endless pursuit of self discovery and understanding of all that is. If life is a metaphor then I am a journey and that journey is not about the destination, but about the process. The destination is predetermined because there is only one truth. The familiarity of experience, growth, self discovery, and the curious anticipation which drives my mortal existence as if there was a destination, that is this process. There is no destination, only increasing understanding of what is. There is no goal, and that is the goal...  Complete reckless exploration of all possibilities within the realm of that which we have collectively created through what we've learned to call God. God is all that is and is not. God is all possibility explored through creativity and vision, and nurtured by knowledge and understanding. Love is the essence of this understanding and therefore also how we grow. Can God grow? What other reason is there for God to exist at all?

With access to the vast resource that is the collective knowledge of all that ever was and ever will be, I'm stuck here, tripping over the physical and choking on my own incomprehension of it all.

I catch glimpses but I do not yet understand. I find that I still want to define "this".
This awareness that freedom is a word to most, and experienced by a few.
This realization that the best ideas are still out of reach to those who need them most.
This understanding of the darkest side of human nature that breeds the fear and energy with which we leverage fear to motivate action and reaction.
This need to protect those we love from the mistakes we make and hide behind.

How could intentions this pure become so corrupt?

Our shared consciousness has become
One cosmic free for all, rat maze,
and I'm sick of fighting myself for a piece.
So kindly put down the fucking pipe,
and listen to your soaring senses.
They beg you to share in this glorious reality,
To take part in this collective dream,
To awaken and be reborn.