
a simple thought,
is all I'm ever left with.
swimming around a definition,
itself defining another thought,
and chasing itself through this ocean they call consciousness.
inside a space, outside my mind.
simultaneously defining and redefining an evolving vision.
a vision of charm and grace and love so exquisite,
that she wont let me contain it in my mind, bending-to-believe.
It always gets wrapped up in that simple thought,
and pulled back to where it came from,
just before I caught it as it scurried through space and time.
as alive as we ever were, these thoughts,
and it's all I'm ever left with.
the sick and sour aftertaste of what could have been
when there is nothing left to say.

the sad poem

Ahhh... to be innocent and hungry again
Like the illusion you lived while I courted you,
You know, I could have taught you something.
Back then, you might have even listened.
Back then you were so lost in your Goddess
And I was so eager to understand your hurried senses.
I thought we had more time,
thought we would get to nurture "this" connection
Not crawl back down into the filthy "what's left?"  
We've learned a great deal from this reluctant mess.
That the greatest gifts will never beg you for keep,
and that our arrogance showed we didn't need them anyway.
Even at the heart of naive, 
I think you knew all along.

opiates of the masses

So secretive are we,
about our vices and our demons.
We blame them for everything misunderstood,
And never let them out of our sight,
Saying they cannot be trusted.
Pulling each one closer and closer,
through our willful, ignorant resistance.
Throughout this struggle I've wondered which one of us to blame.
Both my friends and enemies surround themselves,
with something to numb their discomfort,
and then lie to keep that understanding far from anyone who would care.
Everyone covers themselves in each others worst moments 
until dripping with each others gossip and lies.
Soon we are feeding off the broken and hurt on a global level
I can turn on the TV and watch it from home for Christ's sake.
I understand it, but then, what more can I do? 
All this pain, this fear and insecurity,
it crushes me.
Brings me to the verge of absolute apathy and I think,
Why do I waste my time?
It breaks my heart into a thousand pieces which scatter themselves around your reality
each one individually sings for your redemption.
Not that you would notice,
you keep blaming them for the cuts and scratches they give,
for reminding you of the discomfort of being alive,
for reminding you that this illusion is just that,
and you need to escape yours as much as anyone I've come across.  

like this...

Temptation like 'this',
Transcends our desire.
It's a cosmic invitation,
To understand our most intimate attraction.
My resplendent goddess,
Indeed, tonight is the night of our awakening.
I'm looking past the way you lick your lips,
Deeply, through every nuance of your angel eyes,
Until I finally uncover your naked, waiting soul.
You've let me linger here before,
But never long enough to satisfy.
Our gaze is interrupted,
While we watch each others lips,
Each exploring possibilities,
That might last throughout the night.
My thoughts retreat under your soft touch,
Which pulls me back into the glorious now. 
Come, lets explore the art of passion,
Surround yourself in the source of it's power.
And dare to redefine yourself again,
In the pleasure of each moment.
Just don't let me go.
Even as I begin to kiss you,
I miss you already.