Johnathan Ante on God...
In case you
didn't know; "skeptic" is a Greek word that means "to examine". We need to
examine all the evidence and make up our minds what the truth is. I think
that a lot of people get college degrees but devote themselves to one
particular school of thought. They follow those thoughts without question
and enjoy the mutual companionship of their closed group of peers. Most
never realize that their grand theories are founded on mere presuppositions
that have little to do with the facts. Think about it; all the ancient religions taught that the universe had no beginning,... but one. Some taught that gods came out of sort of a watery substance and that the earth was made through great upheavals and violence between the gods. A religion is worthless unless it is grounded in scientific facts! If there is such a religion today, then we better find out what the truth is in all this! Your very life may be at stake! Should you be mistaken!
I believe the
God of the Bible is the most logical explanation for our universe as we know
it today. Consider these next few statements of rational logic. First, there
has to be a cause for every effect. The universe had to come from something.
There is no natural explanation for how the sun, moon, and stars could come
from nothing! Therefore, for every effect, there has to be a cause! This
Cause has to come from outside the universe; outside of nature. In other
words;...supernatural. When I state "supernatural" I mean; a limitless being
outside of time and space. Think about it! The only religion that ever
stated otherwise was the biblical concept of Genesis! God always existed,
but the universe did not! THE OTHER SOLUTIONS... There are only three possible theories as to the reason the universe is eternal. Some religions teach that the cause and effect are equal; "God and the universe are one". This contradicts what I stated earlier that for every cause there must be an effect. "Duality" is not logical! Astrophysicist Steven Hawking stated, "People go overboard on eastern mysticism simply because it is something different that they haven't met before. But as a natural description of reality; it fails abysmally to produce results." (3)
The Steady State
Cosmology Theory is the scientific equal to eastern religious thinking. The
scientific version had three originators: Herman Bondi, Thomas Gold, and
Fred Hoyle. It suggests that a "creation field" be added to Einstein's
general relativity equations to demonstrate that matter was being created at
a rate precisely counterbalanced by the universe's expansion; so that the
average density of the universe remains constant.
The second
theory was called "Plasma Cosmology". It suggested that most of the universe
is composed of electrically conducting gasses. Hannes Alfv'en, the
originator, suggested that plasma indirectly creates a repelling effect
between galaxy superstructures, casuing the expansion of the universe.
Unlike the Big Bang Theory that suggests an explosion started at a single
point; Alfv'en believed it was a series of "mini-bangs". He suggested that
the universe expands and contracts to one percent of it's present size. Yet,
for some unknown reason, the plasma blows the universe apart again, thus
maintaining eternal equilibrium. (7)
One can't take
either of these views seriously; Einstein's theory of relativity states that
once matter crunches itself into a ball, (like a black hole) nothing, not
even light can escape. This is due to the magnetic pull. It takes a
projectile to reach the speed of 25,000 miles per hour to leave the earth's
gravity. For a body to be massive enough; like a star, it collapses under
it's own gravity. Incidently black holes exist. An example of that would be
Cygnus X-1; it turned out to be a collapsed supergiant whirling around an
invisable object every five days.
The Big Bang
theory describes a creation event that defies atheism and pantheism but
harmonizes with the Bible. It is the only theory that observational evidence
does support. It wasn't till recently that anyone had reason to believe that
there was a biblical beginning. Where did all the natural laws of design come from? It is superstitious to believe the laws of nature govern themselves and the universe without cause! I have a supernatural explanation, do you have a natural one?
observational evidence listed in the next few pages will prove that the laws
of astrophysics were designed by a highly intelligent creator; God. First,
the carbon atomshould not exist or be exceedingly rare. In order for the
carbon atom to form, it needs to be at a precise level of resonance.
Resonance is the nuclear behavior of excitement within the nucleus of an
atom. Nuclei is normally configured for stability and minimum energy. It can
be excited as the result of colliding with other nuclei. When this happens,
the proton moves into a higher orbit. A helium nuclei will collide with
another to form beryllium. Then another helium nuclei collides with the
short lived beryllium to form carbon. If the resonance was just a bit lower,
carbon could not form. If the resonance was just a bit higher the energy
level would destroy the carbon atom instantly. (19) When Hoyle calculated
the odds that such resonances could occure by chance, he stated that his
faith in agnosticism was greatly shaken. (20) Princeton's physicist Freeman
Dyson stated that lucky accidents such as chains of carbon atoms, still
could not form water, organic molecules, and the hydrogen to bridge between
the molecules. (21) Even Carl Sagan admits that the laws of nature can not
occur at random; "It is easy to see that only a very restricted range of
laws of nature are consistent with the galaxies, stars, planets, life and
intelligence." (22) (These are only nine of twenty five total. For more information, see reference #31 in bibliography) Our universe was born as the result of natural laws that do not seem to change. For those who think science needs more time to evaluate this situation, is not 15 to 20 billion light years enough time? (The universe is approximately thirty billion lightyears across. With the doubling effect of expansion at given time intervals, it is estimated that the age of the universe is approximately 15 billion years.) Some people believe Hollywood's suggestion that multiple universes exist and converge upon one another like branches of a tree. Given the facts that we know to be true, if other universes do exist, (in finite numbers) there is a high probability they would not support life. Physicist/mathematician Paul Davies stated; "One may find it easier to believe in an infinite array of universes than in an infinite Deity, but such a belief must rest on faith rather than observation." (32) Some people actually believe that life must have been sent here on a spaceship from a dying civilization and that perhaps the astronaut's bacteria survived the journey. Others have suggested that genetic material was sent to this perfect planet for some sort of lab experiment. Of course these excuses only begs the question: How did life begin in the first place? If natural laws can not explain how life began on this "ideal" planet, how can it be so at any location?
Some people
believe in the ultimate game of chance; Quantum Mechanics. This is the
belief that there is no reality until someone observes it. If this idea were
true then looking through a telescope could alter events billions of years
into the past! This suggestion gives it's enthusiast's a chance to speculate
that through man's act of observation, he caused his own creation along with
the conditions necessary for life! Some people believe that life must exist till the end of time, in a closed universe. In order for life to survive in that hot, dense time, when the universe will contract once again; our descendents must evolve to a very different and advanced civilization. Before the end of time, our super computer-like society will achive the ability to process an infinate amount of information. At that point, which will be called the "Origin Point", we will assume the role of gods. We will process and infinite amount of thoughts, at infinite speed, our evolved supreme civilization will redefine time; ensuring an eternity for ourselves and for every living being that existed in the past. Our future descendents will view the human soul as a program that can be replicated. They will propose that this infinite intelligence will resurrect each of us, so that we might be appropriately rewarded or reformed. (33) People that are willing to consider such wild explanations can only demonstrate how impossible it is for them to avoid the evidence for design. We all must decide whether to credit the design of intelligence to God or to ourselves. For some, the thought that humans might be the only form of intelligent life in the universe, strikes most with being extremely unscientific. Many scientists have suggested that the universe must be teeming with extraterrestrials by now, (34) in order to conform with the assumption about biological evolution. Robert Jastrow stated; "If life is common, we'll be hearing from those guys soon, because we are in a very conspicuous part of the universe right now. Our televison and radio waves are spread all around us. It is reasonable to assume that advanced technological civilizations will be aware of radio physics. There is only one radio spectrum, and it's the same everywhere in the universe." (35,36) So why have we not picked up any signals yet? If there are so many civilizations, more advanced than ours, certainly they would want to explore and colonize other planets in the galaxy! Ours would be ideal! We have the right conditions for life. So where are they? Some people ask that if the universe is so vast; why would God make the universe so huge? With all the billions of stars and galaxies like our own, why are we so special? Astrophyicists John Barrow and Joseph Silk states that no one could exist if the universe were any smaller. They point out that life's building blocks: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and silicon; were not formed until after the first generation of stars have slowly cooked the hydrogen and helium into the heavier elements which planets are made out of. (37) Given the fact that the universe has been stable throughout it's expansion, more time results in a larger universe. Further they stated; "Hence, we realize that for there to be time to construct the constituents of living beings, the universe must be more than a billion years old and consequently, more than a billion light years in size. The universe would have to be just as large as it is to support even one lonely outpost of life." (38) We have only three choices. Either we decide that the universe, or mankind, or God is running the universe. Those willing to choose an alternative other than God, defies logic. The other two choices have no explanation or theory on which they can stand. Please understand that all the quotes, except one are from scientists who are not bible believing Christians. This report has not been prejudiced by a Christian viewpoint. Those who have rejected the God of the Bible have to base their conclusions inspite of the evidence and not because of it! Some people believe that God is one with the universe. This idea is not consistent with science becuase the universe had a beginning. Belief in blind chance requires considerable faith. Taken to it's logical end; it's so pathetic that it's almost funny! Logic dictates that we should devote our short lives to finding the means to know the one outside of time and space. Although the world is filled with suffering and violence; if people seek the answer, they would find out that God has done something about it all. There is good logic in trusting the one cosmic history that fits what we know of God. Many state that if the Big Bang were true, then it is in direst conflict with the Bible's six day account in Genesis. Yet in Hebrew, "day" means "yom", which has been translated to mean a specific period of time and not to be confused with a solor day.(39) Christian tradition also agree's with this concept, as pointed out by the first century writers; Philo and Josephus. (40) Other writers include: Augustine (41), second century apologist and martyr; Irenaeus, third century apologist; Origen, fourth century bishop of Caesarea; Basil, thirteenth century; Thomas Aquinas. (42) In the twentith century, this position was held by C.T. Scofield, A.H. Strong, and Gleason Archer. There are also scripture references that gives a general sense of a time consuming process; including ages:
Psalm 104
Genesis was not
written specifically about when and how the universe was created, but who
created it! Psalms 111:2 states "Great are the works of the Lord; they are
studied by all who delight in them!"
God created the
entire universe plus self-conscious beings like Himself. Having been given a
freedom of choice, these persons eventually declared their independence from
God and broke His laws; which were necessary for the good life that God
planned for them. The situation became very unpleasant for God and so He had
two choices. He could have exterminated them; the end, the plan failed. Or,
out of His caring concern and love for them; provide a solution. He could
not simply forgive anyone because He had to do something about all the
injustice in the world. God pronounced a just sentence (Romans 8:1); but
also provided a full pardon to all who would take it. He had to be mortal
because God can not die and He had to be God because only a sinless person
could pay for the sins of another. If Jesus is who He claimed to be, then it
is not unreasonable for God to be bound by death! Nor is it unreasonable to
suggest that He should have the power and the purpose to rise from the dead!
In fact; it would be unreasonable for God to be bound by death! Biblical faith is more than intellectual reasoning. It is the logical choice! Other religions have teachings about an historical person, but it is Christianity that's based on what a person did. Of all the religions, no other has left such lucid evidence of God's involvement with humanity. We can either appreciate God's way more deeply or we can stubbornly and foolishly decide to go our own way and see where the outcome will lead. Anyone wishing to make sure that he has taken the first step of faith, should confess his moral failings to God and then in his own words, thank God for sending His own Son Jesus to die for him! From that point on, trust Christ to lead and develop his worth in a way that would never had been known without Him. Should anyone wish to contact me with any questions or opinions, I can be reached at You may also write me at:
Jonathan Ante |